CRAGIAMP (2019-2021)
CRAGIAMP - "Search for Antimicrobial Peptides in Crassostrea gigas oysters and Paracentrotus lividus sea urchin. Diminution of mortality rate in oyster culture: towards to a lower impact of diseases in oyster farms and search for novel compunds"
Partenaires : CIIMAR et ASIM (précédemment LGPMM)
Objectives :
- Development and production of resistant/selected oyster families against OsHV-1 μVar and Vibrio aesturianus. Sample collection of oysters (mucus and hemolymph) and wild sea urchins (Task 1)
- Flow cytometric assay of Antimicrobial peptides against pathogenic bacteria (Task 4)
- Cloning, production of selected recombinant AMPs and immobilization in oyster cages (Task 6)