Reference laboratories
The ASIM unit provides different terms of reference and is designated:
- European Union Reference Laboratory (LRUE) for marine mollusc diseases since 1997. Website:
The responsibilities and tasks of the European Union Reference Laboratory are specified in Article 94 of Regulation (EU) 2017/625 concerning official controls.
The EUR contributes to improving and harmonising diagnostic analysis methods at European level. It coordinates a network of National Reference Laboratories (LNRs) for the diagnosis of diseases of marine molluscs (provision of standardized reference equipment and protocols; inter-laboratory comparison organization, regular organization of training sessions, scientific and technical monitoring, etc.).
It actively participates in the diagnosis of diseases occurring in the Member States and provides scientific and technical assistance to the Commission within the limits of its tasks.
It is also involved in the development, optimisation and validation of analytical methods.
- National Reference Laboratory (NRL) for bivalve mollusc diseasessince 2009 (Supon of 29 December 2009).
The responsibilities and tasks of the National Reference Laboratory are specified in Articles 100 and 101 of Regulation (EU) 2017/625 concerning official controls (Regulation (EU) 2017/625 and in Articles L 202-2 and R.202-2 to R. 202-7 of the Rural and Maritime Fisheries Code (CPMR).
The NRL contributes to the improvement and harmonization of diagnostic analysis methods in France. Its missions are (partly) similar to those of the LRUE, which are developed at national level.
The NR for marine mollusc diseases coordinates two networks of approved and recognized laboratories:
- network of approved and recognised laboratories carrying out targeted analyses for the OsHV-1 virus and bacteria of the Vibrio genus in marine molluscs by PCR method,
- a network of laboratories approved for the investigation of regulated agents of marine molluscs in histo-cytology.
The list of approved and recognised laboratories is available on the website of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty.
The NRL is responsible for carrying out official analyses and in particular for the confirmation of the results of analyses carried out by approved or recognized laboratories; it also responds to any request for scientific or technical expertise from the Ministry responsible for agriculture and other interested ministries.
- OMSA Reference Laboratory for Bonamiosis and Marteiliosis, two parasitic diseases of shellfish.
WHOA Reference Laboratories are named to monitor all scientific and technical problems related to a disease. As the WHOA Reference Laboratory, the ASIM unit aims to provide scientific and technical assistance as well as advice on the diagnosis and monitoring of bonamiosis and marteiliosis.
The ASIM unit may also offer training sessions to member countries and coordinate scientific and technical studies in collaboration with other laboratories or organisations.